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Pastor Bob's Musings: THE WEARING OF STOLES

Pastor Bob said… @ Alan Part of my point is that the stole or stola is a symbol of separation of "clergy" and "laity or "lay" people. But if we really believe what the New Testament says and what the Reformation says about the priesthood of all believers there are no clergy.

Another Pastor Bites The Dust –

A few months ago a prominent pastor was let go from the church he planted. This past Sunday another prominent pastor stepped down. Pete Wilson started an amazing church in Tennessee.

What to do when your church changes | Pastor Joe McKeever

Not buying it. Change is one thing, but when the church is unrecognizable, that’s another. It seems to me a lot of what you see is a backlash to years without change rather than gradual change.

Mark Driscoll – Wikipedia

Mark A. Driscoll (born October 11, 1970) is an American evangelical Christian pastor and author who serves as Senior & Founding Pastor of The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Why I Left Calvary Chapel: a non … – Modern Pulpit

If there is anything that Calvary Chapel prides itself in it’s in the fact that it is non-denominational. An excerpt from a popular Calvary Chapel website states, “Calvary Chapel is a non-denominational church movement focused on the inerrancy of the Bible and the expository teaching from Genesis to Revelation.”


THE 1997 CATHOLIC INTERNET DIRECTORY. Help support a much needed update to this directory by visiting our sponsor: Inclusion in this directory in no way implies endorsement of particular Catholic organizations by the author.

The Wesleyan Methodist Church also known as The Independent …

Then in the audience of all the people he said unto his disciples, Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts; Which devour widows' houses, and for a shew make long prayers: the same shall receive greater damnation.

Priest – Wikipedia

A priest or priestess (feminine) is a religious leader authorized to perform the sacred rituals of a religion, especially as a mediatory agent between humans and one or more deities.

Make It Clear Ministries

I hope that you will enjoy this religious humor page on my web site. These jokes are meant to be funny and cute. I am not putting these jokes on this page because of any doctrinal positions or statements.

The Wesleyan Methodist Church also known as The Independent …

Then in the audience of all the people he said unto his disciples, Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts; Which devour widows' houses, and for a shew make long prayers: the same shall receive greater damnation.

Priest – Wikipedia

A priest or priestess (feminine) is a religious leader authorized to perform the sacred rituals of a religion, especially as a mediatory agent between humans and one or more deities.

Make It Clear Ministries

I hope that you will enjoy this religious humor page on my web site. These jokes are meant to be funny and cute. I am not putting these jokes on this page because of any doctrinal positions or statements.

the catholic church | catholic churches

E-Exchanges Archive, Third of 2013 (starting around September) Regarding . I am Michael, I was born in 1974, raised and baptized and have been attending Novus Ordo masses, but then I grew doubts in this NO mass because I feel spiritually empty even after mass and seldom attend it.

Is It OK For Catholic Priests To Masturbate? – the Data Lounge

No one is allowed to masturbate in Catholicism. The only sanctioned sexual activity is procreative sex between husband and wife; no masturbation, no homosexuality, no pre- or extra-marital sex, and no birth control or abortion.

The Progressive Catholic Voice

By Bill Moseley Note: The following reflection was delivered before the start of mass at St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church on the weekend of January 20-21, 2018. P eople of God, my name is Bill Moseley and it’s my privilege to reflect with you on today’s readings.

Boston Catholic Journal — Authentic Catholic Commentary

When a House is on Fire one does not Schedule Putting it Out

Patheos Catholic Blogs

From time to time you will also receive offers from our partners. You can cancel at any time.

Table of Contents. – Catholic American Thinker

Table of Contents. Vic Biorseth, Tuesday, July 30, 2013 This webpage was inspired by comments from John of Escondido, California, whose motivating comments can be seen after the Of Lies and Liars webpage.

God Uses The FOOLISHNESS Of Preaching To Save The Lost

They DON'T mention the cross at all. A cross-less gospel is no gospel at all. The cross must be included if the Gospel message is to be properly preached.

God Uses The FOOLISHNESS Of Preaching To Save The Lost

They DON'T mention the cross at all. A cross-less gospel is no gospel at all. The cross must be included if the Gospel message is to be properly preached.

Catholic Harbor of Faith and Morals

Traditional Catholic teachings and sermons from the Council of Trent. Learn your Catholic Faith as it was always taught prior to Vatican II.


3) I was also “delighted” to see that another of Ed’s sketches spotlighted the patriarch of the very Roman Catholic Order that oversaw my Catholic indoctrination at St. Stephen School: “Francis of Assisi – Founder of the Franciscan order …

An open letter to my beloved church – The Mennonite

Lord, have mercy. Dear ones, please turn from heresy. “The word heresy comes from the Latin haeresis, meaning “act of choosing.” Those adhering to these false and mistaken ideas, i.e., heretics, were understood to have chosen a different interpretation of the faith than the one the Church proclaimed.

How John Calvin Made me a Catholic | Called to Communion

I once heard a Protestant pastor preach a “Church History” sermon. He began with Christ and the apostles, dashed through the book of Acts, skipped over the Catholic Middle Ages and leaped directly to Wittenberg, 1517. From Luther he hopped to the English revivalist John Wesley, crossed the …

Apostolic Succession and Historical Inquiry: Some Preliminary …

Included in the May 2013 issue of First Things is Ephraim Radner's review of Candida Moss's book, The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story

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