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Poor Man's Bible – Wikipedia

The term Poor Man's Bible has come into use in modern times to describe works of art within churches and cathedrals which either individually or collectively have been created to illustrate the teachings of the Bible for a largely illiterate population.

Christian Issues Updates

(3/12/15) My Brief Encounter with Former U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle (1994) YouTube; 1 minute, 6 seconds I shook hands with the man before I knew he was a globalist traitor to the American people.

Tutti i Cognomi

ignatz Jerry Miller Andres Huicochea Kartways, you almost certainly just hear fun, Thank you for making the sincere effort to idp ilsaf13 embarrasing ยินดี …

Antoni Gaudí – Wikipedia

Biography Birth, childhood and studies. Antoni Gaudi was born in 1852 in Riudoms or Reus, to the coppersmith Francesc Gaudí i Serra (1813–1906) and Antònia Cornet i Bertran (1819–1876).

Prophecies – Elisa Ideat

Contents. 1. Prophecies, dreams, visions, prophetic writings and comments on endtimes concerning the whole world but especially Finland, the country of prophets, Russia, the neighbouring bear beast of Finland, Sweden and Norway, which will also be the targets of Russia in World War III, USA, which will face her downfall and judgment in the near future, European Union, which is the pilot …


Where is the blast crater this pile of junk would have made? The earth is flat and evolution is a lie from the pit of hell. The moon and the sun are roughly the same size, are at the same distance from and revolve around the earth JUST LIKE THE BIBLE SAYS.

Apple 666, Artemis, iPads (infertility pads), Project Inkwell …

Exposure device for the students. An exposure device with a special antenna placed on students zippers was used for generating the EMF (1 W peak output power and .50 mW/cm 2 power density), and the exposure emission was maintained at 2.4 GHz and 5.o GHz with a pulse repetition frequency of 217 Hz for 365 days a year for hours at school and at home on the abdomen.

Jesus Jesus Christ is the ONLY Way to God

The television is a killer slaying souls across the face of the earth. America has been tempted and paralyzed with charms and sins. Television is a chief cauldron of temptation putting bad ideas in people's minds.

Scientist Claims Human Microchip Implants Will Become “Not …

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.…


003 "I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies. These marranos go wherever there is money to be made…But whether these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance.

Apple 666, Artemis, iPads (infertility pads), Project Inkwell …

Exposure device for the students. An exposure device with a special antenna placed on students zippers was used for generating the EMF (1 W peak output power and .50 mW/cm 2 power density), and the exposure emission was maintained at 2.4 GHz and 5.o GHz with a pulse repetition frequency of 217 Hz for 365 days a year for hours at school and at home on the abdomen.

Jesus Jesus Christ is the ONLY Way to God

The television is a killer slaying souls across the face of the earth. America has been tempted and paralyzed with charms and sins. Television is a chief cauldron of temptation putting bad ideas in people's minds.

Scientist Claims Human Microchip Implants Will Become “Not …

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.…


003 "I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies. These marranos go wherever there is money to be made…But whether these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance.

Obama Legacy

21 "But choose men of ability from all of the people. They must have respect for God. You must be able to trust them. They must not try to get money by cheating others.

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